Battlefield V’s creators: female characters are ‘here to stay’ | 25 Amp Circuit Breaker
“OK, you hold that small bulb across that plug, I’ll connect this 9v battery across the live & neutral pins…” You are right, of course. I should have used “shock” instead of “electrocution”. English is my secondary language… My post outlines the PME system. There are older systems that do run...Read more -
Bing’s support for Google AMP just took a big step forward | 19mm Momentary Push Button
Aluminum is only used for specific applications like very heavy feeds and they have special connections for it. Wire nuts when properly used are very reliable. Push locks are not all they are cracked to be sometimes too. We do have them, I have installed literally tens of thousands of WAGO connec...Read more -
Does Tesla Make The Best Value EVSE For Non-Tesla Owners? | Circuit Breaker Parts
Did you keep records so that you actually know you repaired 15,000 TVs? I don’t believe it, and if it is not true then I doubt your other statements on this evidence alone. People should classify their statements as to fact, fiction, or opinion, not just leave them in an ambiguous interpretive li...Read more -
How to Fix a Broken Air Conditioner | Lrd12 Overload Relay
I can’t remember the exact numbers, but before the change, UK mains voltage was acceptable between something like 210V and 270V, depending on grid load. EU mains had a similar range. All they did, was tighten up the range. So now it’s nominally 230V, with 240V being within acceptable range. Which...Read more -
Pass Laboratories XA200.8 monoblock power amplifier | 19mm Momentary Push Button
Aluminum is only used for specific applications like very heavy feeds and they have special connections for it. Wire nuts when properly used are very reliable. Push locks are not all they are cracked to be sometimes too. We do have them, I have installed literally tens of thousands of WAGO connec...Read more -
No high school diploma? You’ve got options! | 19mm Momentary Push Button
Yeah really though. It’s kind of embarrassing. I’m an engineer and work in big industry (usually minerals, bulk material handling, oil and gas, doing a big robotics project right now for a wood products plant, etc.) and this would be an afterthought. No one would even question it. I mean really a...Read more -
How To Wire A New Garage For Electric-Car Charging: What You Need To Know | 25 Amp Circuit Breaker
Try it- measure the voltage between the neutral and earth ground pin on a North American outlet. If the voltage is near zero, then you have a bonded ground system. If you see 1V or more, then you either do not have a bonded ground, or you have poor / undersized / or very long wire runs between th...Read more -
Toyota Corolla 2.0 hybrid hatchback 2019 review | Lrd12 Overload Relay
The layout looks good too, but I’d recommend for version 2 that you increase the creepage distance between the HV and LV – particularly with regards to the LED. My own habit is to place an actual “border line” on the silkscreen. Nothing is allowed to span that line except for galvanically isolate...Read more