Kojima shows off a new Death Stranding trailer at E3 | 25 Amp Circuit Breaker
So, you agree with 3mm. Good. A step forward. And because I see you want to use that Industrial standard as example how is your standard looking in case of soldermasked and conformal coated board? What I can say is that I used the 3mm/kV rule and never failed me in 25 years, no board rejected eve...Read more -
25 things to do before Aug. 25 – Edinboro University News Detail | 25 Amp Circuit Breaker
Some customers get sticker shock, but I’m not trying to rip you off. You only see the half-hour of work I did in your home, but that’s not the whole story. I spent years training, and now I need to pay my crew (who went out of their way to get to your home), plus deal with marketing and other cos...Read more -
Sonos will only bring AirPlay 2 to its recent speakers | Circuit Breaker Parts
around the town of Wentworth in New South Wales the feral pigs are huge, there are lots of them, the scrub is very thick and even back in those days you were not allowed to use a semi automatic centre fire rifle of any kind. The boar in question had lower tusks that were 5″ long. Rather than rest...Read more -
Microsoft and Razer are working on Xbox keyboard and mouse support | Lrd12 Overload Relay
We were pretty close to that 40% rule when our controllers started to fail, which is probably why they only started failing after our customers had use the controllers a few times. We were pushing 22 Amps through 40 Amp rated parts. In other words, using a component at half its rating still won’t...Read more -
Yes, the Samsung Galaxy S9 has a headphone jack | 220v Contactor Relay
As 220 + 10% is just 242 volts, and the EU standard is 230 +/- 20 volts. So 250 volts is within the standard, and should be expected. And then we have Australia that has 240 to 250 volts. It’s probably worth at this point explaining for a minute how earthing works with respect to mains power. You...Read more -
Motor Nameplate Current vs. NEC Full Load Current Values | National Electrical Code | Lrd12 Overload Relay
I suppose I would’ve used small contactors with auxiliary contacts as interlocking instead through some sort of arrangement, but that’s only because I have a pile of them lying around (and you would just put the wires under terminals rather than QD’s) but as I said (and you reinforced) I trusted ...Read more -
Is my appliance compatible with the Amazon Smart Plug? | Circuit Breaker Parts
You do in fact need to be a licensed engineer/electrician to design stuff with mains voltage, or you need to have your work inspected and signed for by one. It’s not just a matter of good instruction – it’s illegal for the regular Joe to even repair mains powered circuits beyond swapping a frayed...Read more -
Microsoft announces Xbox One keyboard and mouse support with Razer partnership | 19mm Momentary Push Button
This is true in a certain temperature range, I think between 70 and 90% of their nominal power. And in spite of that there are so many lamps with halogen bulbs, which are fitted with dimmer circuits. And you know why? Because the bulbs are very cheap, so nobody cares And they are often used as ...Read more