In salt water – which approximates human flesh, the skin depth at 1 MHz is actually 25 cm which means your arm is a pretty good conductor through and through. The illusion of safety comes from the fact that the frequency is too high for the nerves to react, so you don’t get spasms or cramps and you don’t feel the heating that’s happening below the skin because there’s no heat-sensing nerves there and those at the current entry points have died already.
On an MV distribution there is no neutral or ground wire, just the three phases with a delta / star transformer to make the LV.
Fdx Advisors Inc, which manages about $3.11B and $2.69 billion US Long portfolio, decreased its stake in Dollar Gen Corp New Com (NYSE:DG) by 3,022 shares to 30,873 shares, valued at $3.37 million in 2018Q3, according to the filing. It also reduced its holding in Invesco Ltd Shs (NYSE:IVZ) by 16,189 shares in the quarter, leaving it with 19,801 shares, and cut its stake in Ishares Gold Trust Ishares (IAU).
The device uses two hot and one ground to supply the 240V output which is, in some business where there is three phase power this will be closer to 208V but should still work. Obviously you shouldn’t be doing this unless you know exactly how it works, and we applaud [Nick] for airing these hazards while at the same time supplying the knowledge behind the concerns.
Leaving their advanced capabilities aside, the Sony A33 and A55 are also remarkably compact cameras. As we’ve noted elsewhere, because the mirror in the camera isn’t used to form a viewfinder image, it can be mounted at a steeper angle than normal, removing some thickness from the camera body as a whole (the flange-sensor distance must obviously remain the same, but there’s more room in the body for the shake-reduction system and other electronics), and the space normally required for the mirror drive system could be trimmed from the sides. As a result, the body is noticeably compact.
In cases of energy shortfall, we could apply 3% or 6% voltage reduction from our central control, to shed load. (along with asking manufacturers to reduce load, part of their contract) Before real load shedding, switching off supplies. I know. I was a control engineer. Admittedly a few years ago
But even so, you’re not likely to be arrested for adding your own electrics, I dunno that it’s actually illegal. Charging money for it would be different. But I can imagine insurance companies would hold it against you. Any excuse, of course. You’ll have to check the teeny-weeny print in your policy, and the extra documents they didn’t send you. But it’s not impossible for someone to fuck up mains wiring and burn their house down, and that would be their fault.
All electrical devices are designed with safety in mind and are rigorously tested to make sure the design works. All of us have probably plugged in one too many things on the same circuit and tripped a breaker or blown a fuse, and that’s the first consideration you need to know about the Amazon Smart Plug — it has a safe output rating based on the type of load you’re using. Here are the exact technical specifications according to Amazon.
Your advice / admonition overlooks the reasonable likelihood that the part wasn’t *really* rated for what it *claimed* to be rated for, nor was it constructed in a manner to keep it safe in the event of an actual failure– as in the article’s example. Such that even if he were a licensed and well-experienced “electrician” (or anything else), it STILL would (could) have failed and caused the same problem. So what you’re saying IS good advice in a general way, but only partially relevant to the actual incident from the article, IMO of course!
Lenovo is promising 30 percent better performance over its previous Miix 630 Windows on ARM device, and a surprising claim of 25 hours of battery life to match. While the battery life sounds impressive, it’s the performance that will matter in a device like this and we’ll need to test this latest range of ARM-powered laptops to see if app compatibility and performance has improved. Most Windows desktop apps will run emulated on these ARM-powered devices, but there are some limitations. As this is powered by the Snapdragon 850, there’s also built-in LTE support for mobile connectivity on the go.
“If you can power the logic side with some +5V derived from mains, there is no point keeping the optocouplers, right?”
This new hybrid powertrain is more of a success than any that has gone before it at Toyota, thereby widening the options for buyers, and its warm performance will make it an interesting choice. However, with similar gains promised on the 1.8-litre drivetrain, and the incumbent money-saving gains it has, it remains to be seen which will be the pick of the range.
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